Lawn Advice

A green, thick lawn is easier to achieve if you follow a few rules:

  • Mow higher, setting your deck height between 3.5 - 4 inches. Mowing your lawn too short stresses the lawn unnecessarily.

  • Apply a crabgrass control in the spring to help prevent annual weeds from germinating. Fertilize every 6-8 weeks throughout the season or as needed after that.

  • Spot spray existing broadleaf weeds as needed. The thicker your lawn gets; the less weeds have a chance to take hold.

  • Overseed your lawn in September to introduce new cultivars of seed. I recommend incorporating turf-type tall fescue for its durability and sun/shade tolerance.

  • If possible, water the lawn during dry spells. .75 - 1 inch of water twice a week is sufficient for most lawns. Watering will help prevent the lawn from thinning which will help reduce unwanted weed growth.


Landscape Design


Brandywine Viburnum